The Directors at 2B Lightning Fit have over 100yrs combined experience in nutrition & training.
We have the knowledge & experience to offer Clients the help to achieve their personal goals.

Frank has competed in a variety of sports throughout his life, including Swimming, Boxing, Martial Arts & Bodybuilding.
He served as a London Fireman for many years where he was also served as a qualified PT.
In 2019 at the spritely young age of 56, Frank made his first appearance on the Bodybuilding stage and went onto win many Shows with a variety of Federations.
Frank has proven to be at the top of the Masters Category and currently holds 2x British Titles, 4x Universe Titles and Mr European.

Kim started out as a young British Gymnast, competing in Yugoslavia, Belgium, Germany & all over the UK.
She then turned her sport to Fitness and at the age of 18 she competed in Miss Figure NABBA British Championships and became a fully qualified Weight Training and Aerobics instructor.
In 1992 at the age of 20 Kim hit our TV screens as the well known British Gladiator 'Lightning', proving to be the best allrounder & to this day remains the longest serving Female Gladiator in the World.
In 2020 Kim made a come-back on the Bodybuilding stage and went onto win many Figure & Overall Classes in numerous Federations before going on to win 3x Miss Universe Titles.

Garth is a retired competitive Bodybuilder. British Masters & Overall Champion. Previous Mr. Britain & runner up multiple time Regional Bodybuilding Champion.
Garth has a collection of 25+ trophies to his name.
Fully certified BAFI & WABBA PT & Nutritionist.
2 decades of coaching experience.
Garth has mentored Male & Female Clients to achieve British, European & Universe Titles along with 25+ 1st place medalists.
He has been a Gym Owner for decades, supporting & training new comers to reach their optimum goals, providing all the knowledge & guidance required for each individual to get the most out of their potential.